Golden Globe fishing in.... Yemen

For the LA Times. Ewan McGregor! Fish! Statuettes! Organic shaped compositions!

Stop texting in class, Plato

For FDU's Spring 2013 issue. Plato, Nietzsche, Lucretius, Saul, and Wittgenstein.

I think I liked doing Lucretius the best, but texting Plato might be a great icon of my work for years to come.

Heidegger and Winston

And the deluge continues.... both of these are for Drew University's Alumni Magazine. The first was a full page for a feature article on the philosopher Martin Heidegger and his secret Nazi past; the second was a spot on debunking Winston Churchill.

Stay tuned for more! Lots more!


For BMCC's alumni mag. Another band, this time, "Spuyten Duyvil".

And more work.

For The LA Times again. This one was really cool.

Bill Nighy = win.

So much work!

Hello internet!

A whole bunch of work to upload, but I'll start with this one. This was on the November 19 cover of The Washington Post's Capital Business insert.