
Small spot of Plato for FDU's Alumni Mag. Even though it's tiny, I totally agonized over this... the final version is like the 5th one. I'm really happy (and relieved) with the way it ended up coming out though.


Taking part in a nice little exhibition at Guerrilla Galleries in Newark, NJ called "Illustrious" full of artists with narrative work. My Tea Party, Noah's Ark, and Death and Frolic images are up. The opening was last Friday (sorry I didn't post before then) and it was really nice! The show is up through January 1, 2012. Thanks to the gallery owners for putting together such a great show!

Some Very Nice Drawings of Ladies' Backs

I went figure drawing at the Society of Illustrators the other night for the first time in a little while. I got to see my friend Bob Dacey, and I got to draw some pictures. The bad news is, the models took turns hiding behind the massive curly hair of the woman in front of me and facing the other way. The good news is, I actually really like the way the drawings came out anyways. Take that, curly haired lady!!!!!