Willie Nelson

Another wonderful assignment for The Stranger. I loved doing this drawing -- the man has an amazing face. Seriously.

Primative Slacklines

I designed this logo a few months ago for a very good friend; their website just recently went live. I don't usually do design work, but I really like the way this ended up coming out (probably because it involved drawing something, and Celocampths are ridiculously cool). You can visit their page here.

I've been quiet for the past month, but I have several really exciting projects in progress. A portrait of Willie Nelson for The Stranger (up next week), a full page for FDU's Alumni mag (sometime this month), and two full pages for the Star Ledger's magazine (Inside New Jersey) for sometime in the next few months. Also, a Michele Bachmann painting for me, because it's just irresistible. Check back for updates!